While gifts of cash would certainly be welcome, you may want to add a personal touch to what you give. Remember, graduating high-school and college would also mean a start of a new chapter in their life and not just the end of another school year. Your gift can be a memorabilia to remind them of the time they took a step closer to adulthood and towards the fulfillment of their dreams.
Here are 4 of the most common yet meaningful graduation gifts to give:
1. Luxury Watches
Ever heard the saying, “If you come early you’re wasting your time; if you come late you’re wasting someone else’s time; therefore, come on time” ? Being on time is an important skill to have in succeeding, thus a good quality watch will surely be both motivating and practical.

2. Designer Handbags
These are more for the graduating ladies. Help them get rid of backpacks of the old by giving them a designer handbag to complete their look on that job interview.

3. Designer Luggage Bags
Unlike handbags, a luggage is a must-have for every college student. Whether they’ll be moving into a new dorm or going to school excursions abroad, having a sturdy, durable luggage comes in handy during their travels.

4. Jewelries
Give them their first piece of Jewelry as commemoration to one of life’s biggest milestones – Graduation.