Designer handbags are perhaps the holy grail of women’s accessories, and every woman desires to fill her closet with satchels, hobos, totes, and all sorts of bags from signature brands. However, not everyone can splurge on such luxury on a whim. That’s why some ladies choose to steal much-coveted purses through purchasing pre-owned ones.
Pre-owned designer bags, though still quite pricey, are definitely more affordable brand new pieces. But be warned! There’s a growing bunch of con artists who will do anything to take your money and sell you a cheap knock-off. Yes, you’re trying not to break the bank, but that doesn’t mean that you deserve quality that’s any less.
If you’re planning to purchase a pre-owned designer handbag, make sure you go over these five important steps before doing so.
1. Do your research.
If you want to re-love a designer handbag, make sure to do your due diligence first. Familiarize yourself with the brand and the model you’re intending to buy.
If the model is still being sold in the actual store, it’s best to head over there and inspect it for yourself. Look closely at the details and make a mental note of how the material feels. Essential details you should take note of are the type of leather, hardware, clasps, closures, zippers, serial numbers, stamps, logos, dust bags, and the colors that the model was released it.
You can also ask the staff to show you the signs of authenticity and any markings that are unique to the brand or model. This way, you’ll know how to tell if the pre-owned bag you’re checking out is authentic or not.
2. Know the price.
Determine the original price of the pre-owned bag your eyeing. This way you know what to expect in terms of cost. Note that designer bags depreciate and lose some of their value once it goes out of the store. Typically, pre-owned designer bags that are in mint condition costs more than those that underwent more wear and tear.
Also, be wary of too good to be true offers. If a bag retails for $5,000, and someone is selling you a pre-loved one for only $250, you should just walk away because either that’s terribly worn out or a fake. More often than not, it’s the latter.
3. Have a keen eye for details.
We couldn’t stress this enough. You need to be really scrutinizing when it comes to evaluating a pre-owned designer bag not just to make sure that you’re getting the real deal, but also to see to it that you’re buying a bag that’s still in good condition. You wouldn’t want a deformed, stained, or stinky bag, do you? So be on the lookout for minor details that tells so much about the quality of the bag you’re checking out.
4. Get the help of a professional to check the authenticity of the bag.
If you want to be completely sure about the authenticity of a pre-owned designer bag, have a professional check it out for you. You can bring the bag in one of the brand’s store outlets or you can ask an independent authenticator to take a look at it.
5. Know the reputation of the seller.
Conduct a background check on the seller. Do your homework and check customer reviews and feedback on their service as well as the quality of the pre-owned luxury products that they offer in the market.
If you’re on a budget and want to reward yourself with a little luxury, buying a pre-loved designer bag is the way to go. Make sure you’re getting the best deal and go over these five steps before you make a purchase.